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Taking It Easy

The conventional wisdom regarding chemo side effects, it seems, is that they generally start on Day 3 post-treatment, which is today. Anticipating these side effects, I took it easy. Lots of rest, cuddling with my cuddly pooch, and TV/movie watching. Besides a dull headache that came and went throughout the day, no side effects came out to play today.

Cancer is already teaching me something that I've either failed to learn in life or forgot very quickly - taking care of myself is really important. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Not to this kid.

Before this all went down, I would thrash my body around - working very late hours, spreading myself thin with activities, seeking fun and refusing to rest when rest was necessary, and eating and drinking whatever I wanted. What a silly little warrior I once was.

I've got things a lot more figured out now. In order to truly be a warrior, you need to respect your body and prepare it for battle. That means eating good foods, getting good rest, and balancing stress and endless activity with tranquility and days where you don't do much of anything (like today, for example). Thanks for the lesson, cancer! I'm still going to kill you, though. ;)

I did do some things today -- including, quite notably, becoming detached from my bag o' chemo. Now I can move freely sans fanny pack and without a needle firmly secured to my portacath, which is awesome. Will actually handled the entire detaching process (while guided by a seasoned nurse, of course) -- from flushing my portacath with saline, to adding some blood thinner to prevent port clotting, to pulling out the needle (which freaked him out way more than me, since he had to squeeze this butterfly-like contraption that made the needle practically fly out of my chest). At first, I was a little concerned that the nurse was such a teacher-type (frankly, I was hoping she'd handle everything at least for this first detaching), but bravo to my hubby for his careful and excellent execution. I felt no pain or discomfort (or fear that he'd somehow mess up) at all.

Now, my nurses (Mom, Dad, and Will) and I are going to enjoy this rainy L.A. weather with a roaring fire and a scary movie.

And some food, of course. Chemo side effects or not, I'm not planning on losing a pound.

Reader Comments (1)

Kudos Will!!! Great job! And Geebers glad you are resting up!!! Xoxo

October 21, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjuice

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