The Results Are In...

Well, I got my CT scan results in today, otherwise known as Test Number 3. And...
I passed!!!
The idiotic cancer has not moved a muscle. No spread to any organ or anywhere else, and no measurable growth where it is. We've stopped it in its tracks, and now I can go forward with the same chemo regimen and surgery with Dr. Sugarbaker. Cancer is going down so hard, and today we confirmed that it is, indeed, running scared.
I wasn't nervous about the CT scan results -- really, I promise. What I was, though, was incredibly aware of how important this milestone was. Today's results, in my mind, would determine if this battle was truly going to be a clash of the titans. And now, I know the truth. It's not. I've said it from the beginning, and I believe it now more than ever.
I'm going to win this battle, and I'm going to win big.
Chemo Round 4 was awesome, partially because I was riding the high of those CT scan results, partially because I had the most excellent (utterly competent + super nice + fun) nurse ever (Erlinda, I love you!), and partially because two of my best friends from high school (Erin and Megan) came to visit. Chemo is flying by these days, and I'm feeling as strong and healthy as ever.
Bared my teeth at cancer by hitting the gym hours later and getting worked out hard with a challenging legs routine.
I love competition. And even more, I love winning. Today was a beautiful day.
To top it off, I'm cleared for Disneyland. So now you'll know my answer if you ask me, "WunderGlo, you and Dr. Lenz and your family and friends successfully stopped idiotic cancer in its tracks and won a major battle in the war against Stage IV colon cancer -- what are you going to do next?"
Yes, I'm going to Disneyland.
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