When a Warrior Falls

Part of being a part of the cancer warrior family is feeling the loss that much more profoundly when one of your fellow warriors succumbs to the idiotic cancer.
Before my diagnosis, I mourned the loss of my grandfather and my mom's best friend, two incredibly phenomenal people who were taken from us by cancer. Not a day goes by when I don't think of them.
But now that I'm a part of the cancer warrior family, I aim to avenge their deaths by killing all the cancer that dares to live in my body. And when a fellow warrior falls now, I take it very personally.
I felt that way a few months ago when the brilliant, incredibly strong Elizabeth Edwards passed away. And today, when I learned that the former Secretary of State and former Chair of O'Melveny, Warren Christopher, was taken by cancer.
Warren Christopher, known as "Chris" by those at the firm, was the guiding light of O'Melveny, a true giver and someone who all of us at OMM respect and admire deeply. I am always proud of the fact that Chris was an O'Melveny partner. He was a perfect example of our firm's values. He still is. We will miss his wisdom, his leadership, and his light.
And as for you, cancer, I dedicate my thorough beat down of you to those cancer warriors who have touched me the most. This one's for Grandpa K, Patty, Elizabeth Edwards, and Chris.
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