A Big Night

Last night, I joined the O'Melveny partners at the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay, and received one of the biggest honors of my life. Along with five of my colleagues, I received the Values Award. Each year, this award is given to six individuals -- two partners, two associates, and two staff members -- who demonstrate our firm's values: uncompromising excellence, distinctive leadership, and superior citizenship. We at OMM are serious about our values, and I truly believe that we are a better firm and a stronger family because of our guiding principles.
I have always viewed the Values Award with wonder, always hoping that I could make a big enough impact on the OMM community to be worthy of it. And last night, my dream became a reality.
My mentor, Carla Christofferson, wrote a moving tribute to me, mentioning my contributions to the firm, the greater Los Angeles community, and the even broader audience of the WunderGlo blog. When I was called up to receive my award, the partners gave me a standing ovation and I heard some of my favorites cheering especially loudly. To soak up all that support and respect from people that I deeply admire was a feeling unlike no other. I will cherish my experience last night and will always regard it as one of the most wonderful moments of my life.
And for the rest of my long and healthy life, I'll always be an OMM Values Award winner. Man, I love my firm.
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