He Missed A Stitch!!

Last night, when I was showing off my incision wound at my party (because that's what WunderGlo does at a party, naturally), my ever observant friend Sabrina noticed what might be a stitch remaining in my otherwise stitchless incision wound.
"Is that a stitch?"
"I don't think so. I doubt Ramos would leave one in there."
"No, I think that's a stitch."
"Oh God, I think you're right."
I figured I'd take care of this stray stitch on Monday, but I woke up this morning on a mission. I looked down at the stitch and thought, "I think I can do this." I grabbed my tweezers, dipped them in alcohol, and as Will and my Stanford bestie Morgan watched, I began.
I pulled at one end of the stitch, and easily dislodged it from the thin layer of skin that had grown over it in the last day and a half. I pulled, thinking it would come out, but then I realized that it was connected to the stitch immediately above it. I moved to that other stitch, and moments later, I had dislodged it and the scab that covered it. Then, it was just a matter of slowly pulling. And then, it was done.
Yes, I removed a stitch from my own incision wound. It was pretty awesome, and it helped remind me what a tough woman I am. You know, when I'm focused on taking it easy and eating things that don't tax my system, when I'm taking pain pills and stool softener on a daily basis, I've sort of lost sight of the fact that I am super tough and strong -- a beast, if you will. But today, I remembered, and it felt awesome.
So thanks, Dr. Ramos, for missing a stitch when you took the rest of them out on Friday morning. I bet you had this planned all along.
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