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Picture Perfect in Santa Barbara

After getting a little workout in (4 miles on the bike and some basketball), I grabbed my hubby and my concert tickets, and was on my way to Santa Barbara. We rolled in to our charming B&B, White Jasmine Inn, at about 4:30, and spent the early evening walking around Santa Barbara and soaking in the gorgeous weather. After a delicious sushi dinner followed by an awesome piece of vegan carob cake with almond mint frosting, our bellies were full and we were off to the event of the night: one of our favorite bands was set to play at the Santa Barbara Bowl.

Tonight, we saw Mumford & Sons, the same group we saw in concert after my very first round of chemo way back in October of 2010.

Much has changed since the last time I saw this brilliant British band. I feel like I've grown and changed so much since that first Mumford concert. I've seen so many new places and forged relationships with so many new people. And most triumphantly, I'm now free of the large amount of cancer that sat in my gut during that first concert.

Much has remained the same, too. Mumford & Sons still sound as great as ever, their songs still touch my heart and bring tears to my eyes, and I'm still as determined as ever to beat this disease and live each day of my life to the fullest.

I'll never forget the concert tonight -- the way the beautiful night lights lit up the Bowl, the houses below, and the ships on the Pacific Ocean. The band played beautifully tonight, hitting every note and singing every word with intensity and joy. And with a heart filled with gratitude and happiness -- at the beauty of the moment and the beauty of all the moments that led me to tonight's concert -- I sang along to my favorite songs at the top of my lungs, closing my eyes, letting the tears slowly stream down my cheeks, and turning my face toward the sky.

Best Monday ever? It's quite possible.

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