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On Waiting for Side Effects

I was fully prepared for chemo grossness today. The dull headache, the lack of appetite, the blah feeling that makes me feel like resting in bed and that's about it. I was ready for a little GI trouble, fully prepared to take an Immodium or two. I was calm, prepared to deal with my side effects in a positive way.

But they didn't come. Not at all.

It's a weird couple of days, the ones directly following chemo treatments. In the back of your mind, you know you could feel a little under the weather and that it's perfectly natural considering the drugs coursing through your body. At the same time, you're hoping you'll escape the week unscathed, without missing a beat. Besides staying hydrated, getting a lot of rest, and remaining optimistic, there's not much else I can do other than wait for side effects...or the lack thereof.

Today, it was the lack thereof, and I couldn't be happier. To celebrate the day, I painted another "Love Life" painting, this one going to Will. It's pretty easy to love life when you're sailing through treatment, surrounded by the best family and friends around, and getting stronger every day.

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