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A Fresh, New Week 

I consider Fridays to be the end of a chemo week. It's the last day I have ever experienced any side effects, and it's usually quite an easy one to get through. Yesterday's "Chemo Friday" was better than any other I've experienced in all ten rounds. I felt great, ate like a champ, and knew that by the weekend, I'd be back at full blast.  

Saturdays after chemo are as beautiful as a sunrise on a crisp, clear day. Any lingering headache or "chemo haze" has completely lifted, and in its wake is a full week filled with nothing but energy, plans for fun times, and awesomeness. I always feel, on these Saturdays, that I've made another huge step forward. I've conquered cancer yet again, and my body is officially ready to celebrate.

This weekend has plenty of celebration in store, though nothing radically out of the ordinary: going to a few open houses (I've got the fever for a house, though it may not happen for another year...but it may happen sooner than that!), taking Winston to the dog park, stocking up on groceries at Whole Foods, watching TV, working out, going dress shopping for an event next weekend, and going to the Dodger game with Will and my OMM  buds Tim and Michelle. It's a fun weekend, no doubt, but when you've been through what I've been through, it's practically divine. Soaking up the sun, singing along to the music on the radio, spending time with loved ones -- these are the best, most joyful parts of life. These are the daily celebrations that we all have an opportunity to be a part of. And truly, this is the gift of life.

 I've got a week jam-packed with fun and games -- a fresh, new week that promises to enrich my mind, spirit, and body. I bet you've got one of those coming up, too. You just have to find it.

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