It's Baaaaaaaack!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's back. My appetite, that is.
I knew that my appetite would take a hit after my surgery and during my post-op recovery, and it did. I remained calm, as I turned away meals after eating only a portion of them. I didn't get flustered as I watched myself lose 16 pounds over the last two months. I tried not to fret as the muscles that I worked so hard to build went from beastly to merely average. But I knew that I'd have to turn it around in the eating department if I wanted to get in shape and get strong during this last phase of treatment and for the rest of my life.
I'm happy to announce that things have indeed turned around. I'm hungry, I'm eating, and I'm finally putting away a normal amount of nutritious food. I know that this is the first step to getting into (cancer-)killer shape and I couldn't be more pleased.
I'd like to thank my mom for always having nutritious food on hand, no matter the time or place. Although over the past two months I've snapped at her many times for offering me every kind of food at all hours of the day -- usually, I'd dramatically complain that "I'm going to throw up if you keep talking about food" -- I know that her constant care about my food intake was essential to building up my appetite to what it is today.
I'd also like to thank Will for finding perhaps the greatest vegan restaurant ever, Native Foods Cafe. We went there for lunch today, and I did some serious damage -- buffalo wings (one of my favorite foods pre-diagnosis and one that I didn't think I'd ever get to taste again), a breaded chicken sandwich, sweet potato fries, and an apple cobbler. So delicious, and all in my belly.
My appetite came back this weekend, and not a moment too soon. Dr. Lenz gave me the green light to go back to the gym. I'll be back at Educogym tomorrow, pumping iron and loving every minute of it.
Your girl is on her way back and, this time, will be better than ever.
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