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« An Awesome Day for Acupuncture | Main | Chemo Round 11 »


I'm grabbing my bag o' chemo and my hubby, and in a few hours we'll be off to Colorado. The plan is to spend this evening in Denver so I don't tire myself out too much (we're flying into Denver), and head to our final destination -- Boulder, CO -- tomorrow.

We're headed to Boulder because the queen of five-element acupuncture, Judy Worsley, will be doing individual consults at the ITEA (Institution of Taoist Education and Acupunture), and I'm lucky enough to be getting one of those consults. Mary Ellen will be there too, of course, and I'm told the consult will take place in a classroom-like setting with plenty of practitioners checking me out and watching the session. This is similar to the trip I took to Seattle last year, and I'm sure it will be equally awesome, if not more so. Acupuncture has been key to my cancer-killing adventure, and I look forward to getting some tip-top treatment and to be reunited with one of the coolest people I've ever met. 

After acupuncture (on Wednesday), I'm hoping to feel well enough to do some hiking on Thursday. I'm told it's super gorgeous out there, and this will be my first extended trip to Colorado. We'll be staying at a pretty sweet Bed & Breakfast in Boulder that boasts organic (and vegan) breakfasts as well as 30 different organic loose leaf teas that are available upon request. This place even has a meditation room! My old self would've probably laughed at my getting excited for a mediation room and vegan breakfast, but my old self had cancer so what the heck did she know?! 

Keep your fingers crossed that the airport folks don't give me too much grief over this bag o' chemo. Dr. Lenz gave me a note to present, and you'd think the TSA wouldn't be rude to someone undergoing chemotherapy treatment, but I am ready for anything. If they don't behave, I might have to bust out the a**-kicking part of me, which nobody really wants to confront. Chemo-laden or not, your pal WunderGlo is not to be messed with -- just ask cancer. :)

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