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Just Chugging Along

Day 3 of Round 12 wasn't too bad at all. No chemo-induced headache or grossness (the best way I can describe this feeling is that of a middle of the road hangover), my appetite remained intact, and I just took the day nice and easy.

I think I'm finally starting to master the science of how to get through these chemo weeks with as little adversity as possible -- I work out hard during my off-chemo week, trying to increase my strength and endurance every day, but once I get my meds, I take my foot all the way off the gas. Nothing but resting, relaxing, and chilling out on the agenda for my chemo weeks, and it's working. My energy levels aren't impressive but they are well-preserved, and I'm getting through these last rounds like a champ.

Chemo has taught me an incredibly important lesson: to listen to my body and give it what it needs to adapt and thrive even under the most challenging circumstances. I never used to listen to my body, but now I'm all ears. It's the way I always should have been, but better late than never, right? An old dog can learn new tricks.

A dozen rounds of chemo in the books, and I'm feeling better than fine. My body's ability to heal and persevere has been truly inspiring.

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