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Viva Las Vegas!!

Yesterday, after a solid workout in the pool (I've worked up to swimming half a mile in about 40 minutes), my three nurses (and Winston) and I loaded up the car and headed for the lights of Las Vegas. We were looking forward to great things and, so far, we've found them.

I haven't made millions yet, but I'm still having a blast with my loved ones and loving the incredible vegan options at every Wynn and Encore restaurant. Before our midnight dinner last night (that was the earliest reservation available at Wazuzu at Encore - crazy, right?), we met up with two of my favorite people: my great friend and mentor at O'Melveny, Mark, and his wife, Nancy. We threw back a couple of drinks (yes, I had my weekly limit of two glasses of wine), shared many laughs, and enjoyed the piano bar music. I wound up getting to bed at 4am, still completely energized and feeling great.

On tap for today includes a trip to the Caesar's Palace gym for an extensive workout, meeting up with my dear Duke friend Junior (he lives in NC and I had no idea he was here until this morning - what a great text message to wake up to!), and possibly joining Will in a poker tournament. The slot machines and roulette table are also calling my name. As is the vegan pizza at the Wynn.

Living totally in line with my post-diagnosis healthy lifestyle (with slightly less sleep, I'll admit) in Las Vegas of all places, the city renowned for sinfully indulgent and unhealthy behavior, just goes to show that you can make good health decisions wherever you are. Especially on a long, beautiful weekend like this one.

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