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On Going Away and Coming Home

During the last several months, my cancer-killing adventures have taken me all over the place. There were acupuncture-related trips to Seattle and Boulder, Duke Basketball-related trips to Portland and Durham, and quick weekend getaways to Palm Springs, Santa Barbara, San Francisco, and Las Vegas. There was the famous "cancer killing cross-country trip" -- the only way to travel to one's "pick it out/pour it in" surgery, in my opinion -- that took me to the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe, Oklahoma City, Nashville, back to Durham, and up to Maryland. I rung in the New Year in New York City, and I got a Sugarbaker-endorsed new lease on life in Washington D.C. 

Who says that staring down Stage IV cancer has to be a somber, tedious time? My diagnosis led to some of the best traveling in my life.

And it won't be stopping any time soon. After my last chemo treatment next Monday (so excited to beast through Round 13, by the way), I'll be going on my victory lap tour. It'll commence with beachy relaxation in Hawaii, move on to urban sophistication in NYC, and will reach glorious heights in London and Paris for two weeks. 

But no matter where I go and what incredible fun I have there, coming home to my family, friends, law firm, Batman pinball machine, and beautiful City of Los Angeles always takes the cake. There's just something so special about being home, enjoying the routine of my day-to-day life yet still exploring a city that has so many nooks and crannies, being with family and friends and colleagues that have supported and nurtured me pre- and post-diagnosis, and really laying down roots in a place that I love wholeheartedly.

In one day (today), I managed to go to both of my gyms, spend quality time with my O'Melveny family, go to my first DJ lesson (there will be many more lessons to follow -- DJ WunderGlo has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?), buy a pink fedora, dine on insanely delicious vegan Japanese food, and cuddle with the cutest Yorkie I've ever seen. Home is certainly where the heart is, and my heart is so full.

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