Adventure After Adventure

Today was jam-packed with action.
We started off getting up quite early (I love how the 3 hour time difference makes me feel like a "morning person"), suited up, and headed directly to Diamond Head. Instead of cabbing it the 2.2 miles to the entrance of the state park, we hoofed it, taking in all the sights and sounds of Waikiki Beach. We walked through an art show, then through a field where people were playing football and soccer, and then down a long road with the smallest of walking paths on either side of it. We took a bit of a break at the entrance of the park -- my mom and I ate some fresh pineapple and a granola bar while Will dazzled us with a cheeseburger that smelled incredibly good -- and after resting our feet for a little bit, we were off. The hike up Diamond Head measured 760 feet, although the trail up to the peak, with its switchbacks, tunnels, and stairs, was far longer than that. After a little huffing and puffing, we were at the top, taking in a most breathtaking view of the sand and surf. The ocean was spectacularly gorgeous, and the cool wind whipping into us was a blessing after a sweaty climb to the top. It's hard to beat a amazing view after a solid workout.
Our trip to Diamond Head wasn't without a little more adventure than we bargained for, however. On the way up to the peak, about 2 minutes away from it, I slid on one of the extra smooth rocks leading down the path. I lost my balance just for a second, but in that second I instinctively grabbed for the railing, which sat precariously above a rusty chain link fence. I managed to nick my finger on one of the exposed parts of the fence, which created a paper cut-like wound. Despite the tiny and superficial nature of the cut, I knew immediately that I was going to need a tetanus shot if I wanted to be safe. That fence was pretty darn rusty, and even though the exposed part that cut me wasn't as rusty, I don't play those kinds of games with my body anymore. After a little back and forth with Dr. Lenz over email, it was settled. Will found an urgent care right next to our hotel, so we caught a cab there. I guess I just missed the constant medical attention I've been so accustomed to so I figured I'd spice up the trip with a little one-on-one time with a doctor.
The urgent care center was immaculate and it took about 15 minutes to see the doctor, and about 15 seconds to get the shot. No pain and only thirty-five bucks. And now I'm set to cut myself on a rusty nail whenever I want for the next ten years!!
After that, we did a little shopping and a little eating (can you say vegan chili dog?) and then headed back to the Sheraton for some pool time. The water in the infinity pool was perfect, the ocean waves were crashing gracefully, and the jacuzzi soothed our sore muscles. Right now, all three of us are on our balcony, relaxing and taking in the last rays of sun as it sets over the ocean. The sky is a mix of night blue and sunset pink, and it couldn't be more beautiful. As for me, I couldn't be more grateful for this moment.
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