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More Scan Results!!

And more great news. I'll need one more follow up scan in about six weeks, and as long as that is clear, I am officially a free woman (as in, free of the port currently cruising around in my chest).

You know, I've heard that a lot of people feel betrayed by their bodies when they receive a cancer diagnosis. People feel angry that their body has turned on them. But I never felt that way. My body was always fighting to be well and survive, and the cancer that grew in it was a sick, confused set of cells that just couldn't get with the program. Cancer helped me grow as a person in incredible ways, and gave me the opportunity to really look at my life and the people in it and revel in how great everything and everybody really is. I had to kill cancer, but I know, without a doubt, that it made me a better person.

These days, my body, mind, and spirit are in harmony and I couldn't be more well. It was nice to have those scan results as evidence, but I didn't need them to illuminate the truth: I am a survivor of Stage IV colon cancer. Victory is sweet. Heading to New York City to celebrate.

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