Heading North. Next Stop: York!

We packed up and left lovely London behind today, heading North for the quieter confines of York, England. I had an absolute blast in the big city, but also looked forward to the peace and charm of a tinier town. Plus, our B&B has WiFi which means I can happily blog, work on my book, and plan my basketball tournament and non-profit events and victory party and...I know, I know -- I'm not that great at vacationing.
York has not disappointed. The weather is a little chillier than London, but that's not saying much since London was in the solid 80s the entire time we were there. The town is filled with history and majesty and, luckily for me, is apparently the most haunted city in Europe. Our lodgings are fantastically quaint and there's even a vegan breakfast option for me and my mom. The only real challenge with my morning meal will be my ability to wake up for it -- breakfast ends at 9:15! All of you who know me well understand what a challenge this will be for me. Stage IV colon cancer, chemo, surgery -- hey, no problem. Getting up before 9am? Oh, I struggle.
While the sights and sounds of England have been awe-inspiring, I'd have to say that the best part of my trip has been sharing it with my three nurses. Although they have been a constant over the last ten months -- making sure I had daily vitamins, Lovenox shots, and healthy food carting me around to acupuncture appointments and reiki sessions and joining me at the gym spending countless nights in the hospital after my surgeries and long days at Norris during chemo treatments -- it's really, really awesome to have this care-free fun with them. We always have a great time when we're together, but this trip has exceeded my expectations of quality time. I've really enjoyed each moment with each of them -- from laughing out loud at appropriate and inappropriate times, to chatting and resting our feet at a local pub, to beholding the whole of London from the top of St. Paul's Cathedral, to running through the Tube station and catching our train by the skin of our teeth. There's no doubt about it: the WunderGlo European Victory Lap is a vacation filled with memories to last a lifetime.
Maybe I'm not so bad at vacationing after all. :)
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