Pre-Op Prep and My New Surgeon

I've discussed my physical, mental, and emotional preparation for surgery. You know the drill. Exercise is central. Meditation is key. And refusing to let fear, anxiety, or worry even make a cameo in my thoughts and feelings is important and, luckily, what I do naturally. But there's another, equally essential form of preparation before surgery. Medical preparation.
On Friday, I checked in to the PACE Clinic at USC University Hospital to take care of all the pre-op preparation and testing required before any surgery. Consent forms signed. GoLytely obtained. Pre-surgery instructions in hand. Chest X-ray all good. EKG all good. Blood pressure perfect. Blood and urine results fabulous. Yep, my body is ready for surgery.
I also met with my new surgeon, Dr. Yuri Genyk. This was our second meeting, which went just as well as the first. Yuri is one of the best surgeons in the country, specializing in pancreatic cancer, one of the toughest cancers to cure. When the Mayo Clinic and UCLA have sent him patients, telling him that they are inoperable and going to die, Yuri operated on them and cured them. From inoperable to CURED. Are you serious? Yup, this is what Dr. Genyk does for a living.
I feel more than safe in his hands. I feel totally, utterly peaceful. There is no doctor who has made me feel as sure about my future cancer-free status as Dr. Genyk. His calm, thoughtful, and soothingly confident manner has made your pal WunderGlo feel even more audacious about this cancer fight than ever.
When I asked Dr. Genyk what he thought about the surgery, as in what he expected to do, he replied simply and softly: "Whatever [cancer] we see, we'll get. I will get everything."
When I asked Dr. Genyk if he felt the scar tissue could be pesky and difficult to remove, he mulled it over then looked me in the eye. His response: "No."
This man is a WARRIOR.
When we were done discussing the Xs and Os of our game plan, Dr. Genyk gave me a warm handshake and put his other hand on my shoulder. He slipped a WunderGlo bracelet on his wrist. He hugged my mom. This man is not just a warrior. He's a nice guy. Think of The Russian in Rocky IV but with a heart. The ultimate package, my friends.
Meeting with Dr. Genyk has reminded me about something that I should never forget. I've been blessed with some of the best doctors on the face of the earth. So much of this cancer-killing adventure is about me taking control of my disease and me killing cancer. But let's not forget, Dr. Sugarbaker, Dr. Lenz, and now, Dr. Genyk are three of the most brilliant and most fearsome cancer-killers that ever lived. And let's not forget Dr. Ramos, who got that first tumor out of my colon and showed me how a tough, well-respected doctor could also be a sweetheart -- a standard by which I've measured all the others. Together -- along with all of the prayers, love and support from my family, colleagues, and friends -- my docs and I are a truly unbeatable team. What cancer?! I'm not scared at all. I'm focused, I'm hungry, and I'm ready for battle.
Now who's pumped for surgery on Thursday?! I know I am.
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