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12 Rounds for the Cancer Warrior

The night before every chemo treatment, I rummage through my closet and drawers, looking for the perfect t-shirt. The shirt that will inspire me and encourage me to be strong, happy, and focused on cancer-killing. My t-shirt is my uniform for the day -- it is both a reminder to others and to myself that cancer has nothin' on me. I've always been a huge fan of t-shirts (if you've seen my closet, you know that they comprise about 50% of my wardrobe), and I love how a shirt can represent something important to you, make people laugh or think, and generally serve as another way of expressing who you are.

A few months ago, I got to thinking: wouldn't it be awesome if there was a line of t-shirts completely dedicated to cancer patients and their supporters, comfortable and cool shirts that help express what it is to be a proud, tough, happy cancer warrior?

So then I designed it. 

Along with my friend Vinnie, founder of Lucky Soul Clothing, I'm happy to announce that I've released a line of shirts especially designed for cancer warriors and their loved ones called "12 Rounds for the Cancer Warrior." 12 rounds because a normal chemo protocol consists of 12 rounds, as does a boxing match -- clever, right? So far, we're debuting two shirts (our mock-up designs featured here), but we'll be releasing a new shirt each month as we go forward in 2012. Our official 12 Rounds website can be found here: 

The quality of the shirts are great (I got a sample shirt yesterday and haven't taken it off), and the spirit behind their messages are exactly what I hope to instill and inspire in my fellow cancer warriors. What makes this venture even more satisfying is that a third of the proceeds of each shirt purchase goes directly to The WunderGlo Foundation

So dear readers, do me a favor and spread the word about 12 Rounds for the Cancer Warrior. And pick up a shirt for yourself if you're so inclined.

Now you know what I'll be wearing to my next round of chemo.

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