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A Quick Thought (Or Two)

If I had the power to erase my diagnosis and all the experiences and relationships that have come to be as a result of it, I wouldn't. I'd keep it. I'd cherish it. I'd be grateful for it.

I am grateful for it. I'm a better person, living a happier and richer life, and helping more people as a result of this diagnosis. I was always a brave person, but to live each day in a courageous way is an invigorating way to be. I was always a happy person, but to experience each moment with unadulterated gratitude for that moment is true joy. I always had a love for life, but now my zest for living -- and surviving -- is hard to even describe.

So no, I wouldn't wish cancer away. I'd embrace it and I do embrace it. Cancer -- and facing death -- taught me how to truly live.  I wouldn't wish my diagnosis on anyone, of course, but it was just what I needed to grow, learn, and live my life in a richer, more beautiful way. 

Now don't get me wrong: I am more devoted and focused than ever at extinguishing every last bit of cancer in these bowels of mine. But to be truly honest, I'm actually pretty happy that the disease found its way into my body.

Now if that doesn't terrify the hell out of cancer, I don't know what will. Ha!!

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