Chemo Round 29
I know it's been a while since I've written, and I know that you all know that that means I've been zipping around -- feeling great, balancing all my careers, and loving life. It struck me the other day that on some cancer blogs, someone failing to update may mean that things aren't going so well. Just so you all know, that's never been the case with the WunderGlo blog and it won't ever be. I only fail to update frequently because I'm feeling so good and my days are so full. Having said that, let me catch you up on last week and tell you a little about chemo round 29.
The weekend before last, I was in San Francisco to throw a WunderGlo Foundation event in the city and to pick up a legal award a few days later. On National Cancer Survivor's Day, June 3rd, I took to the Armstrong Redwood National Forest for a lovely hike with my three nurses (and Winston and Oliver, too). Unlike the last time I hiked there, which was several months after my Sugarbaker surgery, I didn't get winded at all and even jogged the steep switchbacks of the trail, leaving my family in the dust (not literally -- I wouldn't do that to them!). I was impressed with my ability to navigate the challenging trail, and I was, as always, ever-grateful in my body's ability to be so strong. The next day, I took a nostalgia-filled trip to Stanford, my less-talked-about-but-still-fabulous alma mater. During my time up north, I spent time with my best friends who live up there, caught up with loads of other amazing people, and enjoyed every minute of it. It was a great trip.
With that Redwoods hike in mind and in an effort to make myself even fitter and stronger, I started a new and more aggressive fitness regimen upon my return to L.A. -- a 30-minute mix of hardcore weights and cardio with, of course, pick-up games of hoops following each session. If the soreness of my limbs and butt is any indication, I'm adding muscle to areas that I already thought were pretty buff. I can feel my endurance building as well, which is perfect since I'm just about ready to start swimming again (my incision wound seems to finally finally be completely healed and closed up).
The rest of last week composed of about 12ish hours of work a day -- a mix of O'Melveny work and Foundation planning for our big event on June 21st. If you haven't gotten your tickets to The WunderGlo Foundation's First Annual Cancer Warrior Awards Dinner and Silent Auction yet, you'd better get going and do it! We're expecting 200 attendees (only 31 spots left), we're honoring four incredible organizations/individuals, and the evening will be a mix of extremely fun, beyond inspiring, and totally wonderful. Get your tickets at
Of course, I made time to take care of myself in all of the madness. I slept well, worked out like a beast, and made sure I got my green juice and green smoothies. And my body responded well. My CEA tumor marker held firm (up to 8.6 from 8.4 but that's beyond insignificant and is considered the same number), and I have no doubt that this current round of chemo will knock it down even further. There is no doubt in my mind that I will outlast this disease. And for a sneaky a**, aggressive cancer that got such a strong foothold in my body in 2010, knowing that I'm in the driver's seat today is a beautiful thing.
So...chemo round 29. So far, so good. Infusion went smoothly and quickly yesterday, I had some good times with Dr. Lenz (seriously, this guy is one of my best friends at this point), and today, I'm feeling great. Usually I start to feel a little tired by this point, but I've made sure that I'm eating well and keeping hydrated, and I'm definitely noticing more energy and less "blah" today. I really do feel that I'm getting better at better at withstanding the side effects from chemo, and I'm noticing my body bouncing back quicker and stronger each time. It's a great feeling. Hopefully it won't take that long, but I know that I could stay on this chemo regimen for a long, long time. So cancer, you should probably just give up now because you're losing either way, pal.
Oh, and I almost forgot to share my favorite part of yesterday -- the vegan meal provided by Norris! I've been working with Norris and Keck on revamping their menu to spotlight plant-based, whole foods options, and the first sprouts of that effort is a ridiculously awesome vegan offering at Norris's day hospital. A roasted eggplant sandwich, shiitake mushroom sushi, edamame, and wholesome jalapeno chips. Seriously, Norris? BRAVO. And that's just the beginning of The WunderGlo Foundation's collaboration with the best hospital in all of the land.
Killing cancer and enjoying the fruits of my labor (by the way, the vegan options were SOLD OUT by the time I got mine at 1pm -- nicely done, fellow cancer warriors!!) was a pretty phenomenal way to spend round 29.
All in all, this cancer warrior couldn't be happier. Life is good, my dear readers. For all of us!
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