Savannah and Durham

Alright, alright. I’m way, way behind on blog posts. I haven’t told you about most of my trip to the Southeast, or my little trip to the hospital (spoiler alert: calm down, everything is fine), or my new chemo regimen (spoiler alert: calm down, everything is fine). It’s time to get it together, so my first post of the following three will give you the low down on my adventures in Savannah and at dear old Duke.
After a couple of great days in Miami, my mom and I were off to Savannah. The drive to Savannah was pretty crazy – about 8 hours of pushing through Florida…a lot of time on I-95 and lots of singing along with the radio. We finally got to our hotel at around 11pm. My mom and I were both pretty tuckered out at that point. Luckily, though, our amazing hotel – The Marshall House – and my good buddy (and fellow cancer warrior) Carlyle were both waiting for us and both lifted our spirits. We had a blast hanging out with Carlyle, who I had met online soon after she was diagnosed and have been buddies with for the last year or so. This was my first time meeting her in person, and we were just as good of friends as I knew we would be. She calls us sisters from another realm and I think she’s right about that.
We loved Savannah immediately. The history, the quaintness, the ghostly history of it all (even our hotel was reputed to be haunted – it used to be an old Civil War hospital so not a stretch to believe that some other-worldly stuff could be going on there) – so charming and welcoming, so much so that we immediately booked another night at the Marshall within 15 minutes of getting into our room. We had so much fun during our two full days there – from a vegan tea at Carlyle’s house to her guided tour through an amazing cemetery to a ghost tour (in a hearse) through the city to ghost hunting at a haunted site called The Gribble House (yes, we went in for all the paranormal stuff since Savannah is known as one of the most haunted cities in the U.S.). Carlyle and her posse are throwing a fundraiser for The Wunder Project in March, and I can’t wait to get back to partake in the event and spend more time in one of my favorite new spots.
It didn’t seem like the trip could get any better, but then again, we were heading to my beloved alma mater so it was certainly likely. Duke didn’t disappoint. From the moment I stepped back on campus, I felt nothing but pure joy. We had an event for the Foundation – a screening of The Wunder Project’s documentary and our other videos – and I went to Duke Men’s Basketball’s first scrimmage of the year. Will and Jordan joined me and my mom, and the four of us had a blast on campus. Our basketball team looks absolutely phenomenal this year, which warms my heart and excites me like no other. Ah yes, college basketball season: the greatest time of year.
Will flew home on Saturday, Jordan flew home on Sunday morning, and my mom and I finally headed home on Sunday night, luggage filled with new Duke gear and our minds filled with great memories. We had basically been on the road for about a month, and what a month it was. Despite my breathing setbacks and time spent in a wheelchair for a lot of the trip, it was an amazing time and I wouldn’t have traded it in for anything.
Let’s end this blog post on a little cliffhanger, shall we?
We got to LAX at midnight, and I was at Norris about 12 hours later for chemo. But chemo was not in the cards. Instead, I was checked into the hospital.
My next post will explain why.

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