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Chemo Round 16 (and more)

Yesterday, after I closed the books on Chemo Round 16, I headed to the gym and beasted out a serious legs routine. I felt the burn, but loved pushing my body when it clearly had no problem handling it. A new trainer was on shift at Educogym, and when he asked about why I needed to modify my workout (I do cable squats and cable hamstring curls when I'm attached to my pump), I felt a certain pride in saying: "I have cancer." It's funny -- most people would hate to say those words. But I feel nothing but unmitigated pride in being a cancer warrior. I'm working full time, launching a non-profit, fighting my disease with courage and strength...and I'm helping people in the process. As a recent article about me (written by the amazing Amanda Pouchot of the Levo League) begins: cancer's got nothing on me.

Today, I got further confirmation of this fact. My CEA is still dropping steadily, going from a 37 to a 14 in about a month and a half. That's called beating the hell out of cancer, my friends.

FOLFIRI is agreeing with me in a serious way, I've got the best family, friends, and colleagues in the world, and The WunderGlo Foundation is growing and thriving by the day.

Life is sweet for this cancer warrior. I have no complaints and I couldn't be happier.

And planning for my grand 30th birthday party bash (in December) is already underway. I plan on finishing 2011, my favorite year of my life (so far), in a big, big way. 

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