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« Finding Kinship and Inspiration at The Veggie Grill | Main | Chemo Round 16 (and more) »

Busy Busy, But Mindful

I know it's been a minute since I've posted, and even though I'm living it up in Vegas right now, there's no time better than the present for an update.

Everything is going great. I'm feeling fantastic, busily buzzing at work, and making moves on behalf of The WunderGlo Foundation. Every day is filled with activity -- from working on my DJ set list while I shower and get ready for work (yep, the DJ side career is coming along nicely) to putting in good hours and good work at O'Melveny, to hitting the gym with Tim and spending quality time with my three nurses.

Normally, Monday would be another round of chemo, but I've earned a week off for good behavior and because we want to get the best possible scan result next week without my body's reactions from chemo mucking up our PET scan. Round 17 is now set for Halloween, which couldn't be more perfect. I am certainly wearing a costume to chemo.

All in all, I really couldn't ask for more these days. Chemo has been a total dream -- I didn't have one headache or tummy issue this last time -- and sometimes, I even forget I'm in the middle of treatment for Stage IV colon cancer. My body is as strong as ever, my energy levels make most people's heads spin, and I wake up every morning feeling incredibly happy and grateful for the day ahead and all the days that came before.

It's not lost on me that I'm lucky to be alive. And I am so, so alive.

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