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Chemo Round 20

Chemo Round 20 was much more than just your run of the mill cancer-killing day. It was a results and scheduling day, too! Plus, I wore a santa hat.

First: Results.

1) CEA is still dropping. From a 9 to an 8 now. And I got that blood work done the day after the Watch The Throne concert and I must admit that I had a few drinks (consisting of white wine/champagne) that night. I know that alcohol could play a role in a CEA marker, and since we're talking about such small numbers at this point, I know even the littlest bit of booze throws things off. So my CEA tumor marker is lower than an 8 in real life - trust me.

2) PET/CT scans results were solid. No new evidence of disease (duh!). And that one spot in that scar tissue at my incision line has gone from an SUV 5.7 to an SUV 4.1. That means that the metabolic activity continues to drop, which that little bit of cancer is dying like the little punk it is.

Second: Scheduling.

1) A surgery date has been set! I'm going to be rocking out with Dr. Yuri Genyk (more on him later, but he's a rock star) at USC on January 12th, 2012. As I mentioned in a previous post, Dr. Sugarbaker has noted that I don't need the whole shebang with him again (which is awesome), but that doesn't mean this surgery won't be hardcore. Dr. Genyk will be removing my incision scar, which means another massive incision wound. Then he'll snoop around my belly to make sure all is well, which it will be. But if something is awry, he'll cut and clip until "the cancer" is out of my body. I should bounce back quicker from this surgery than the previous one, but I'm not taking it lightly. Getting prepared physically, mentally, and emotionally is my number one priority at this point. It's officially game time again, and I'm excited for the big day.

Exciting news, right?!

Ok, back to chemo.

Treatment was quick and easy. No blood work this time since I took care of that last week, so I just sauntered into a clinic room and had some quality time with Dr. Lenz. I got called into the Day Hospital pretty quickly and was given a VIP bed (because Wundy's a VIP, as you know). After about 20 minutes or so, my good friend and DJ teacher, Stoney (you can call him DJ Stonekold), paid me a visit. It's been a while since I've had someone other than the three nurses with me at chemo, and we had a great time listening to music, talking about everything under the sun, and joking around. We all packed up and bounced a little after 2pm, which is probably the earliest I've ever left Norris. Short and sweet -- a perfect way to end my last chemo treatment before surgery.

Last night, I felt a little bit of belly quaking and head aching, but the post-chemo Monday night grossness was better than it's ever been. Today, of course, I'm chillin' and feeling good. Tomorrow is usually the day I'm the most tired, but who knows? I seem to be gaining on this chemo stuff. I'll be back to my old tricks by Friday, thanks to this trusty body of mine. 

With a surgery date in sight, I'll be hitting the gym even harder than before and filling my belly with only the best foods. If I take this week off (which I will given the chemo), I'll have exactly 20 days to get as fit and as strong as possible in preparation for surgery. I've got a master plan and I'll be sticking to it. And I'll be sharing it all with you. It's time to take this cancer down, once and for all.

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