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A Big Week 

I am fully aware of the fact that I vowed to update the blog more frequently and that I pretty much failed to do so since turning 30. I could blame this delinquency on my old age, but instead I'll update you on my big week. Are you ready for this?

Big Event Number One: My 30th Birthday Party

On December 10th, two days after my actual birthday, I celebrated in grand fashion with some of my favorite people in the world. I had spent several weeks planning the event down to every last detail -- the dinner/dessert/drinks, the Christmas lights that would hang from the rafters, and the movies that would be projected on the white wall adjacent to the dance floor. I prepared my guests for a serious blowout of a party, and I prepared myself for it, too. But it was even better than I had dreamed of, because I made my debut as a DJ, and it was beyond incredible.

Many of you know that I've been taking DJ lessons. I'm sure I've dropped it in a couple of these blog posts somewhere down the line. My DJ teacher (he's more like a sensei, really) and I decided a while back that I had practiced and learned behind closed doors for long enough, and it was time to unveil my skills to my family and friends. A mini-set of about 40ish minutes at my birthday party was the plan, and I worked hard to get my playlist just right for the night. 

At around 10:15pm, I hopped on the 1s and 2s. I was a little nervous -- I'm not going to lie -- but once I started my first track, I knew it would be all good. The dance floor was packed, and all my loved ones cheered me on. Every time I transitioned to a new song I'd hear a chorus of happy squeals. And when I started my last song and walked on the dance floor, I was immediately swept up with congratulatory hugs and kisses. 

I think it's safe to say that DJ Wunder (my official DJ name) rocked the party. 

After that, the party got even better. My sensei, DJ Stonekold, continued to show off his skills on the decks and we all responded by tearing it up on the dance floor. By the end of the night, my feet were throbbing and my ears were ringing, but I was one happy 30 year old. Thanks to all who made it out, and thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday! It was very, very happy.

Big Event Number Two: Watch The Throne

On Tuesday, I cashed in on one of my favorite birthday presents (from one of my fabulous colleagues): suite tickets to Jay-Z and Kanye West's concert, Watch The Throne. I knew that Watch The Throne was going to be a sick concert, and it was. I was singing/screaming/dancing from the moment Jay-Z and Kanye took the stage, and long after they had left the Staples Center (over 3 hours later), I remained in my chair -- totally blown away by what I had just experienced. I had sweated all my makeup off and totally lost my voice, but even more than that -- I enjoyed a powerful, joyful musical experience. Man, I love music.

Big Event Number Three: PET/CT scans (attempt one)

On Wednesday morning, I headed to Norris to get a PET/CT scan. Before we even got started, I told my nurse about the concert. I knew that I wasn't allowed to exercise the day before a scan (actually, I'm not supposed to exercise 48 hours prior to a scan, but you know I can't not go to the gym for two days in a row so I go ahead and ignore that rule) and I just wanted to be honest.

"I danced," I said with a slightly sheepish smile, "...a lot. I mean...I kinda went crazy. The music took over." My nurse couldn't stop laughing as she walked down the hall to discuss my news with the doctor on call.

I had a feeling that my singing/screaming/dancing/jumping from the night before may have constituted the forbidden "exertion" and, as a result, my scan would be postponed. 

Yeah. I was right. 

In summary, I went so crazy at a hip hop concert that I couldn't get my PET/CT scan the following morning. Yep, that's WunderGlo for ya.

Big Event Number Four: Tim's Farewell Party

Later that day, another party I had spent hours organizing came to fruition. Tim, my best friend in life and at the firm, landed a new gig at NBCUniversal and this was his last week at O'Melveny. Naturally, I was determined to throw him the most legendary farewell party in O'Melveny history. I created a committee of some of Tim's favorite colleagues (I called us the TCFPC (Tim Caballero Farewell Party Committee)), solicited funds from various sources, booked a five-piece mariachi band, picked the menu, ordered a cake with Tim's face on it, made the decorations, drafted the invitation, and let it rip from 4-6pm. 

Tim was blown away by the party and the outpouring of love that the OMM family showed him. Instead of the customary one or two speeches that colleagues make for a departing attorney, I organized a whole line-up of speeches, with even pre-prepared video messages from our friends who couldn't make it to the celebration. I wrapped up the speeches with one of my own (and I'm proud to report that I didn't cry), and led the congregation in a rousing rendition of "Happy Last Day" (sang to the tune of "Happy Birthday") as Tim blew out the candles on his cake.

Tim's party was a huge success, and I was proud to have had a role in making his day so memorable. Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do without my partner in crime/other half/constant companion at work, but I'm more excited for Tim than I am freaked out for myself. This week was all about celebrating Tim and wishing him well, and I did everything I could to send him off with a bang. That's what friends are for. 

Big Event Number Five: Meeting with Good Samaritan/Tim's Last Day at Work/O'Melveny Holiday Party

In the morning, I met up with some folks at Good Samaritan to talk about a collaboration between the hospital and The WunderGlo Foundation. More on that to come, but let me tell you -- we've got big things planned. Our meeting was fantastic.

Thursday was also Tim's actual last day at O'Melveny. And also our holiday party. You can imagine how busy, fun, and momentous the day was. Now imagine Tim and I hosting the karaoke contest at the holiday party, belting out two songs (R. Kelly's "I Believe I Can Fly" and Usher's "Yeah"), and winning the prize for best duet (we are the reigning champs for the past three years now). Tim and I ducked out after the party and savored a few last hilarious moments in his now empty office. It's the end of an era, but what a run we had. Unforgettable memories and a friendship to last a lifetime. 

Later that night, Timmy flew away to New York (for vacation) and I caught up with the O'Melveny Latino Attorney group at our annual holiday dinner. Why not keep the party going?

Big Event Number Six: PET/CT Scans (attempt two)

This morning (at 7am to be exact), I arrived at Norris to try my hand at that whole PET/CT scan thing again. I had no dancing disclosures to make, and soon I was drinking my barium sulfate drink, getting an IV accessed in my right arm, and getting shot up with that radioactive stuff for my PET scan. A while later, I was laying flat and keeping still as the whirring PET/CT machine did its thing. I won't know the results for a couple of days, but come on -- we all know that it's all good.

So there it is: my week in a nutshell. I also worked, worked out (only when allowed (well, except for the concert thing)), and slept. I laughed, loved, and celebrated one of my best friends and his career at OMM. I got in the holiday spirit and got some scans done.

Right before the concert on Tuesday, I said: "I'm happy to be alive and to be experiencing this." I was referring to the concert in that moment, but now I realize that that sentiment applies equally to every minute of this wonderful life of mine. I'm happy to be alive and to be experiencing this -- all of this.

And now, I'm going to rest.

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