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WunderGlo Turns 3-0

Today, I turned 30. What may seem like a normal rite of passage for most is nothing short of a medical miracle for me. I am alive and well. Very alive and very well.

This gift of life is not lost on me. The love and well wishes I received from literally hundreds of people is not lost on me either. I have everything I want in life -- the best family, friends, and colleagues, a career I used to dream of and still love, a new passion in The WunderGlo Foundation, and a community in Los Angeles that simultaneously inspires and energizes me. My days are infused by great music, food, sports (Go Duke!), and art. My body is strong and resilient. My faith in God and my fellow man is deep and unshakeable. I laugh my butt off every single day. Seriously, it doesn't get any better than this.

My only birthday wish is the only thing I want in life: more of it. And I will fight with every fiber in my body to make sure I have more days in this world than I know what to do with (although, knowing me, I'll always find something to do with my days).

Thank you all for your well wishes. My heart overflows with love and gratitude. I am truly, deeply happy. And I am 30!

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