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The WunderGlo Foundation Flushes Colon Cancer

I am happy to report that both WunderGlo and The WunderGlo Foundation are on a roll.

On Saturday, The WunderGlo Foundation held its second fundraising event --  officially called The WunderGlo Foundation's FLUSH COLON CANCER Poker Tournament and Live Auction -- at my beloved firm, O'Melveny & Myers. Over 70 people attended (we had over 55 poker players and over a dozen spectators), we raised over $5,000, and everyone had a great time. My DJ school, Scratch DJ Academy, was even on hand to provide the soundtrack for the night. I can safely say that the event was a huge success.

As the people poured into the event -- colleagues, friends, and people I'd never met before -- I couldn't help but be moved by it all. It's a pretty incredible thing -- conceiving of an idea for a fundraiser, working day and night to make sure it all goes right, and then the pay-off of seeing it all turn into reality. As I addressed the crowd at the beginning of the event, I couldn't help but feel proud of what we have done as an organization in our few months of existence. I couldn't help but feel insanely excited about what we'll do in the future. 

And I couldn't help but think about how far I've come -- from a newly-diagnosed cancer patient at Good Samaritan Hospital to the president of my own non-profit dedicated to ending the very disease I'm fighting in my own body. Pretty cool. 

So what's next for the Foundation? I will answer that question with another question. Why settle for one event in a week when you can have two? Tonight, we're teaming up with the Veggie Grill at The Grove/Farmer's Market to raise some more money for colon cancer research and advocacy. When folks get their dinner at the  Veggie Grill (between 5 and 10pm) and mention they're there for The WunderGlo Foundation event, we get 50% of what they spend on dinner. Insanely generous of the Veggie Grill, right? That's just the way my pal and Veggie Grill co-founder Kevin Boylan rolls. I'll be there from 5-10pm, and I'm looking forward to seeing who shows up. It's going to be a great time. 

And on the following day, I turn 30 years old. So much for cancer stopping me in my tracks. More like the other way around, don't you think?

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