Just Chilling Out

Today, I decided to give my body a break and spend most of the day relaxing. Yesterday, I was out late watching a scary movie and I'm throwing my first post-surgery party tomorrow, so i figured just chilling out on this crisp Saturday would be a good idea. I watched some pretty solid TV and cuddled with my buddy Morgan, who flew out from San Francisco yesterday to see me. I took my pain meds when I needed them, took a long and hot shower, and pampered myself in cozy clothes and lots of blankets. Ahh, so nice.
During my first chemo portion of my cancer-killing adventure, I learned about the importance of giving my body the rest it needs, even if it doesn't seem like it really needs it. The thing with my body is that it's deceptively strong. Your pal WunderGlo has a pain tolerance level that is off the charts, so it's hard to actually know when my body is hurting or tired. For example, after examining and removing my gall bladder, Dr. Sugarbaker noted that it was filled with stones and that it was clear that I had, at some point, passed at least a couple of gall bladder stones.
Whoa. When did that happen? Who knows? I'm sure it was painful, but I probably popped a couple of Tums and got on my merry way. Same thing with my broken pinkie finger, which had to have happened at some point during my sophomore year in high school.
These days, I'm trying to be kinder and more sensitive to the ol' body. Like an observant caretaker, I'm trying to anticipate any need or want my body might have before it becomes obvious.
My body has been so good to me, given all it has endured -- and how it has thrived -- during my cancer killing-fest. It's time for me to return the favor.
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