Party Time!!

Today, I had my first post-surgery party -- the East Coast installation, if you will. It took place at my cousins' (Vivian and Brendan) house in Maryland, started at 3pm, and was an incredibly moving and wonderful event.
Friends from high school, college, law school, O'Melveny, and my new cancer-killing adventure were in attendance, creating a beautiful cornucopia of all of the wonderful people I've been blessed to know and befriend in my life. I had a wonderful time regaling my pals with my hospital stories, and showed off my wounds many, many times. I sipped on sparkling apple cider, indulged in vegan chocolate cake, and gobbled up all the goodwill and support that my friends lovingly and generously doused on me.
Will gave me a warm, heartfelt toast. To follow that, my friend Tracy's mother serenaded me with a moving, powerful verse from "You Are So Beautiful." I couldn't hold back my tears as Tracy's mom sang her own version of the lyrics to me: "You're everything we've hoped for, you're everything we want to be, you are so beautiful to me." Talk about inspiring.
There's really nothing more I can ask for at this point. To be loved by so many, to be held in such a high regard, and to beat cancer and have a new lease on life at the same time. Despite the pain and the scars, this journey has been so satisfying and gratifying. My heart is full of joy and my soul is, too. I feel incredibly blessed and truly lucky. It's one thing to have great doctors, a strong body, and a positive mindset. It's quite another thing to have a powerfully large and devoted support system. I always knew I was surrounded by beautiful people, but it's never been so real or powerful until now.
I think people tend to fear disease or illness - or death, really - because they fear the feeling of being alone or isolated. But we're never alone. We always have our family and true friends. For me, knowing that - and feeling that, deep within myself - is what has kept my heart beating, my spirits soaring, and my journey triumphant.
Let the celebrations of life, love, and cancer-killing domination begin!
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