Getting Back In The Groove

Life got even more back to normal today. I'm proud to announce that I'm getting back in the groove, ladies and gentlemen.
First, I resumed what was one of the most important things I did before my surgery: my acupuncture sessions. Mary Ellen, my wonderful and brilliant acupuncturist, flew to D.C. to give me a treatment right after my surgery, when I was still connected to a couple of tubes and not too mobile. That session was a little difficult for me -- my sensitivity to the needles was higher than it had ever been before, and I felt pretty tired by the end of our session. But that was not the case today.
Our session this afternoon was absolutely fantastic. I can't really explain how rejuvenating acupuncture is, but during and after the treatment, it feels as if new life and energy is flowing into my body. I could even feel my mood lifting, becoming more positive and calm. Crazy but true. I'm so glad I started back up with these weekly treatments, and I know that acupuncture will continue to strengthen me and make my body, mind, and spirit even more prepared for the next three months of chemo.
After my blissful hour and a half with Mary Ellen, I headed to Santa Monica to meet up with some friends, some local and some not-so-local. Anna lives in Santa Monica, Ruth and Anthony are visiting from England, and Dec is back in L.A. after spending many months in his native Ireland. Add to this merry crew my mom, Will, and Winston, and we had a veritable party going on. It feels great to be back with my friends, talking about good times gone by but also setting up plans for the future. Will and I scheduled a double date with Ruth and Anthony on Friday night. Anna and I are in the midst of planning another fun day in Santa Monica (which will include a long walk on the beach since that's permissible physical activity according to my doctors). And I'll definitely be seeing Dec sooner than later.
It's a funny thing, talking about the future. You always think of the future as something that's guaranteed, this time out in front of you that will eventually come and present a whole host of experiences and challenges and good times. But until you look death in the face like I did, you don't really realize how truly awesome it is to have a future. Planning -- whether it be for a fun activity with friends or a time to go house hunting (which will probably be next summer for us) -- becomes a joyful experience, an action filled with gratitude and hope, a prayer and an affirmation. These days, I'm living in and thoroughly enjoying the present, but getting more and more excited about the future.
Today is incredible, and tomorrow is a true gift. For all of us.
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