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Cancer Warriors, Unite!

I spent the majority of the day sending good vibes, prayers, and positive thoughts to the Washington Hospital Center. Why, you ask? Because today, my cancer-killing tag-team partner, Howard, had his “pick it out/pour it in” surgery with Dr. Sugarbaker.

Howard and I became email buddies late last year when he met my cousin and learned about our parallel paths. He’s a producer at 60 Minutes and quite the hot shot. He’s also the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. We are both Stage IV colon cancer warriors whose cancer spread to the exact same place -- the peritoneum. Generally, when one’s colon cancer travels, it goes to the liver first, and then the lung. But in our case, “the cancer” went the other way -- to the abdominal cavity lining. Accordingly, we had very similar treatment plans -- chemo, surgery with Sugarbaker, then some more chemo -- and are poised and ready to beat the hell out of cancer.

I did most of that hard work a little over a month ago, after 11 hours of grueling surgery.

Today, Howard did the same, though I’m hoping his surgery wasn’t quite as long and didn’t include quite as many procedures. But I do know that he gave cancer the ultimate death blow, and I couldn’t be prouder. Recovering from this surgery isn’t easy, but I know he’ll get through it like a champ.

Do me a favor, dear readers, and send a prayer and some positive thoughts his way. He’s a great guy, a wonderful friend, and a fellow cancer warrior. And we warriors stick together.

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