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« Feeling Better | Main | Ready for Battle »

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Up until now, I've always felt like I was getting off easy with these chemo treatments. Side effects were minimal, and I didn't lose one lock of hair nor did I ever feel nauseous. Vomiting was never a part of my chemo experience. I knew that I was getting off pretty easy.

That changed today. After my treatment ended, I felt really cold and sleepy and generally gross. I bundled up in a blanket and snoozed all the way home. I proceeded to curl up in bed and get really toasty. When I woke up about an hour later, I lost my lunch. Boom, right there on the bedroom floor. I credit myself for keeping the incident as controlled as possible, and I felt much better after upchucking. I still have a nagging headache now, and I'm still resting in bed, but at least I've got this new badge of courage. I always knew I was tough, but that toughness was challenged today. And I'm happy with how I responded.

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