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Feeling Better

After feeling pretty terrible yesterday and wondering what this morning would bring, I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up from a long sleep. I didn't feel like a million bucks, but I was much improved. Big headache was gone, I wasn't nauseous, and I had an appetite. Nice.

In an attempt to nurse my reserves of energy rather than spending them (I'm trying to get better at this), I took it easy today. The goal is to get back to the gym tomorrow but I'm not going to push myself if I don't feel totally up to it. After all, you've gotta walk before you can run.

This would seem to make good sense, but it's not always apparent to me.

You see, dear readers, when I feel less than 100% during my chemo weeks, I don't naturally take my foot off the gas and embrace rest. I naturally want to push myself harder and claw my way out of the gross feeling that has invaded my body. This is how I used to play sports, never sitting out a game despite ankle sprains or broken fingers. I don't want to miss out on a moment of action, on the court or in life, because I'm feeling less than stellar.

I'm learning how to be kinder and gentler to myself these days, a lesson that will serve me well when I get back to my normally-scheduled life. Always pushing at full force isn't the best way to treat my body. In fact, it's pretty bad.

So for now, I'm going to sit back, relax, hydrate, and let my body work through this chemo and restore itself back to awesome shape in the next couple of days.

The beauty of the human body is its innate ability to heal, and I'm blessed with a pretty determined one.

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