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A Great Day in Northern California

I slept in then geared up for what I expected to be a full and fun day. Will and I grabbed breakfast in Santa Rosa (about an hour north of San Francisco), and were soon heading west to Guerneville, CA: home to Armstrong National Forest. The Armstrong National Forest boasts some of the oldest, biggest, most beautiful Redwoods in the world, and I love being there. This was my first time back since my diagnosis, and the forest was even more beautiful than I remembered.

Will and I hiked for about two and a half miles, and I certainly gave myself a good workout on the steep and winding trails. The fresh, crisp air felt good as I breathed deeply, letting the oxygen replenish and recharge me. My muscles strained as I climbed up the trail, and I loved feeling each muscle group work and respond to the challenge.

My time among the Redwoods reminded me that my body was my sure and steady friend, an organism that wants to be healthy and wants to be strong. All I need to do is give it the tools to succeed: exercise, nutritious food, a joyful, life-loving spirit, and rest.

I gave it that exercise today with a short but rigorous hike.

I gave it that nutritious food right after the hike, at a vegan restaurant in Sebastopol: Slice of Life.

My life-loving spirit was nurtured by the natural beauty of the Redwoods. I got an extra dose of joy tonight when I celebrated Morgan's birthday with her and other great friends in San Francisco.

And now, it's time for rest. Hard to do for someone who never wants to miss a moment of life, but very necessary. After all, tomorrow is bound to be another great day, and I've got to be ready for it.

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