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Easter Reflections

Given that today is Easter, the most important of Holy Days for Jesus lovers, I wanted to reflect a bit on my faith and how it's changed over the last year. 

I've always thought of myself as a good Christian. I spent 13 years in Catholic school, so I had plenty of opportunities to learn about what a class act Jesus was. I remember that at about six years old or so, I decided that I wanted to be a good enough person to be considered for sainthood (yes, I've always had rather large ambitions) and I was so excited to learn that there hadn't yet been a Saint Gloria. 

Although my saintly ambitions waned as I grew up, I always tried to live in a way that Jesus would be proud of -- I made it a point to be kind to everyone I met, giving to my loved ones, and generous to charitable organizations. I also lived my life with enthusiasm -- at full blast -- in gratitude for the life I was given. 

I had a pretty strong faith in God, but I didn't dwell on it too much. I knew God was there for me, but only really checked in to say thank you and be on my merry way.

When I first learned of my diagnosis, though, my relationship with God was among the first things I thought of, and it brought me great peace. I knew then and I know now that God is protecting me and that I'm absolutely and completely safe. I've always felt taken care of -- given VIP treatment, if you will -- by the big guy upstairs, and those feelings only grew stronger when I learned of "the cancer." 

It's weird to say, but I believe that, in a way, I was chosen to take on this deadly form of this deadly disease for a reason. Maybe it's because I'm built tougher than most people, maybe it's because I'm unyieldingly optimistic, or maybe it's because my life up to my diagnosis was so picture perfect -- but I do believe that I am uniquely equipped to take down this disease and help others in the process, and that this challenge I've taken on did not fall upon me by accident. It's a big challenge, with physical and emotional trials that really test what I'm made of, but it's a challenge I've relished since Day One.

I've always known I was blessed, but now I know I'm also chosen to do uniquely special things for myself, my loved ones, and anyone else who follows my journey and is moved by it. And I'm humbled and honored to be of service.

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