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A Day in Cannes

Yesterday, we hopped on the train and headed to Cannes for the day. What I saw there made me love the French Riviera even more.

Although the water in Cannes is not quite as stunning as the stony beaches of Nice, it was a lot more user-friendly with its sandy shores. We made a beeline for the water and were splashing around in the Sea moments later. My mom and I retreated to our spot on the beach while my dad and Will swam off to a rocky point several yards from the coast. When Will got back, we took off on a long walk down the beach. Cannes gave us a perfect beachy experience.

However, I did encounter one thing I wasn't really expecting, especially after my Hawaii bikini experience.

People. Stared. Like. Crazy. At. My. Scar.

I'm not talking just glance measuring a second or two -- there were extended, puzzled looks. Some people would look away then look back. One remarkably overweight woman had no compunction about staring at my belly, then my face, then my belly, all with a look of morbid interest yet total detachment. Maybe she just thought I looked hot in my swimsuit.

After the beach, we passed an ice cream shop and, to my delight, there were over a dozen vegan options there. Fruit sorbets, ice cream made with soy milk -- I was in heaven. I got two scoops -- one lemoncello and one lemon (there was a difference between them) -- and finished them right before we popped into a casino. It's been our secret goal to hit up a casino in every city we visit -- so far, so good.

After a quick time on the slots, we had a delicious dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant across the street from the Sea. My mom and I split penne arrabiata and steamed spinach -- a vegan's dream dinner -- and we became buddies with the Scotsman sitting next to us. After walking along the spot where the Cannes Film Festival is held, and drinking in a few last drops of the glitzy city, we were back on our comfy train to Nice.

Sun-kissed, nourished by delicious food, and inspired by gorgeous surroundings: a simply perfect day.

Cannes, I'll be seeing you again.

Next stop: Paris!!

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