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The WunderGlo European Victory Lap Gets Insane 

Two days ago, I was dodging hail pellets in Scotland and castle-gazing. Now, I'm in 80 degree weather (with nearly equal humidity) and soaking up the sun along the Mediterranean Sea. It's hard not to be grateful at the fact that I'm moving from one gorgeous place to another. Although I'm a UK junkie through and through, it's hard not to be impressed by the deep blue hues of the Mediterranean. Insanely beautiful. 

Getting vegan food in this town is a whole other story, but as a devout member of the "Love Life" posse (not just a member, but the president), I don't need to go there. I'll just say this -- after two rough meals, I found a salad and some cous cous at a small stand in the mall and almost cried tears of joy.

In addition to sauntering about Nice, I finally found the time to start another conquest: the Insanity Workout. If you've stayed up late enough and checked out the infomercial, you know what I'm talking about. Insanity consists of several DVDs with daily 40 minute workouts that beat the crap out of you and promise amazing results. I figured that if I'm not going to be able to get to a gym during this trip, why not bring the gym to me? Fitness is a daily commitment, and that commitment shouldn't falter when one is having the time of one's life in Europe. There's always time to take care of my body.

So far, the workouts have been awesome -- super tough and totally revitalizing. I did the first workout last night, which was a "Fit Test." After the workout, I rested on the ground, covered in sweat, but happy to declare that yup, I'm pretty damn fit. The workout consisted of a series of exercises including various jumps and squats and kicks. The goal was to do as many reps of each of these exercises in one minute. Competitor to the end that I am, I went nuts on the Fit Test. After the first few exercises, I started to realize that I was keeping pace with the trainers on the video. As in, the people with six-packs who had been doing Intensity for at least 60 days. My results started to drop off as I got more and more winded and sweaty, but they were still strong. Today, I held my own during the Plyometric Cardio Circuit and was doused in sweat when I finished. I look forward to seeing what this tough old body of mine is going to look like after Intensity, especially when it's combined with my normal training regimen of weight lifting at Educo and swimming at L.A. Athletic Club. It's all about living strong these days, and I'm 100% committed to that lifestyle.

It's pretty crazy that a few months ago I was waddling down a hospital hall trying not to bust my incision wound open, and now I'm all healed up, in great shape, and sweating buckets in a hotel in Nice. 2011 has been a wild one for me, hasn't it? I've loved every minute of it.

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