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Seriously, Scotland? You Are Awesome.

After two days in Edinburgh, I can officially declare my love for the UK to be even stronger than before. Edinburgh was freakin' awesome.

We did the usual things most tourists do, like visiting the Edinburgh Castle (a beautiful mix of stunning architecture and reeediculous views) and walking down/shopping along the Royal Mile (I am now obsessed with UK-style polo shirts, the proud owner of two of them). We also checked out a lesser known but very cool spot -- The Forest Cafe -- recommended by my good buddy Ben. Our hotel was fantastic -- a 5-star Sheraton that Will booked with his Starwood points with an amazing gym and pool (that I made good use of, of course).

The weather was memorable -- from sunny to a little chilly to a downpour of rain and hail...then back to sunny. The pubs were awesome, although I promised my body that we'll have much less Strongbow when we get to France (nobody freak out - I'm only having half a pint, if that, each day). And the people were incredibly sweet and accommodating, with accents that weren't too tough to understand.

I ate like a vegan queen for every meal, especially loving an incredible spinach and hazelnut burger followed by an almond and blueberry tart at a place called Black Bo's. Anyone who says the UK doesn't have great food hasn't been here in a while or doesn't know what great food is.

Even though we covered a lot of ground (literally, by foot) and took in a lot of sights, I felt a deep, abiding sense of peace during each moment we spent in Scotland. All those lush green hills and gardens seemed to have had a calming effect on your usually super-amped friend. Or maybe it was the weight lifting then swimming nearly a half mile then getting an incredible massage. Probably all of the above.

Sometimes, it feels almost as if this entire cancer-killing adventure has been scripted, and I'm now at that really fun, really exciting part of the story. I guess after you slay the cancer-dragon, it's all downhill from there. The one thing I know is this: I'm loving the ride.

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