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The WunderGlo Foundation

While I've been living the good life in Paris and London, my lovely attorneys at O'Melveny & Myers have been helping me make my dream a reality. The WunderGlo Foundation is now a registered corporation in the State of California. It won't be too long until the Foundation is granted tax-exempt status from the Federal Government (these things aren't guaranteed but with my awesome team of lawyers, I'm not worried). I'm insanely excited to be in charge of my own non-profit organization and one that stands for something so close to my heart.

So what's the WunderGlo Foundation all about? You can probably guess, but here's our mission statement:

The WunderGlo Foundation will not rest until there is a cure for colon cancer. The Foundation strives to save lives and support cancer warriors everywhere by raising funds for colon cancer research, promoting awareness about prevention of and treatment for colon cancer, and encouraging healthy lifestyle choices. Through its efforts, the WunderGlo Foundation seeks to empower and inspire those fighting the disease and those finding ways to eradicate it.

There's so much to celebrate these days, but it's not all toasts and parties (although there are plenty of those). Lots of work needs to be done to make The WunderGlo Foundation a success, and I can't wait to get started.

I'm not sure how dealing with cancer made me a more productive person, but I'm glad that it did. If you want to find out how you can help, just shoot me an email at If you helped me beat cancer (and you did), you can help make this organization a smashing success.

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