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What A Difference No Chemo Makes

Amidst the crazy running around I've been doing -- from the gym to Whole Foods to meetings for the Foundation to mandated quiet time to work on my book -- I managed to sneak in a quick game of full court hoops.

I rejoined OMM's women's basketball team last night, and let me tell you: full court basketball without chemo in your body is A LOT EASIER than during chemo treatment. I ran up and down the court, sinking shots and defending well, without ever being anywhere close to out of breath. I easily could have played another game after ours. And I had just come from Educogym, where I finished a grueling chest and triceps workout. I am an animal!! Or maybe my body is just super jazzed about not having to deal with chemo or cancer.

I'm really enjoying my body's new lease on life. When I want to push it in the gym, it readily complies. When I wake up in the morning, it feels like I've slept for days. And I don't even want to tell you how perfect my poop is. If you think about it, it's been quite some time -- probably several years -- since I was both without chemo and cancer. My energy is up, my body is humming along, and I've never felt better. The fact that I am truly blessed is not lost on me.

I am grateful all of the time.

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