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A Party For The Ages

Almost since the minute I was diagnosed, I dreamed of it: my victory party. The culmination of months of hard work, lots of chemo, a couple of surgeries, and scars that tell a tale of strength and survival. The moment I could celebrate the fact that I'm alive and well, and I'm around to live and love for the rest of my long, healthy life. The night I would celebrate my triumph over cancer.

Last night, that dream became a reality. About 100 of my favorite people joined me at Crewest Gallery in downtown L.A. for my big bash. It was an amazing night, filled with joy and revelry. Dr. Ramos and Dr. Lenz were in the house, receiving everyone's thanks for doing such an awesome job with this body of mine. My friends from high school and college and law school and O'Melveny were in the house. My tag-team partner in cancer-killing, Howard, was in the house. My family, my three nurses, and Timmy, Morgan, Sabrina, Anna, and Aymee were in the house. We danced, we sang, we laughed and cried, we ate vegan food and sipped on wine and bubbly. It was a magical night filled with fun, and I couldn't have asked for more.

It's funny -- without my diagnosis, last night never would have happened. I would've spent the night working or chilling out with Will or going to a Dodger game with Tim. But instead of my normally-scheduled life, something utterly extraordinary happened. Dozens and dozens of my loved ones gathered in love to celebrate life -- my life!

It was an incredible feeling to be enveloped in so much love, but it wasn't new. The same people who partied down with me last night, and many more, have wrapped me in their love from the moment we learned of my diagnosis.

Who's the luckiest girl in the world? No need to answer. :)

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