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Where Is WunderGlo?

The answer: all over the place.

I spent time with my out of town buddies (Morgan and Crystal) who flew in for my victory party festivities. I continued planning my upcoming charity 3-on-3 basketball tournament and silent auction and had a great chat with my buddy Ben Basloe of Fight Colorectal Cancer. Along with my friend (and creative genius) David, I started mapping out the plan for The WunderGlo Foundation website. I had an amazing chat with a literary agent, Gillian MacKenzie, who is now MY literary agent. I pumped iron and swam laps and danced in the shower. I took my vitamins and my Lovenox shots, had lunch with my friend Piper, and enjoyed an amazing vegan Japanese dinner with my friend Anna. I rocked my DJ lesson and bonded with my OMM colleagues and had breakfast in bed with Will. I emailed with Dr. Lenz and Stuart Scott and my mommy. I hugged Sabrina and kissed Winston and high fived Timmy.

As you can gather, life is full and fun and beautiful for me these days, but that's nothing new, really. And it's not just because I have exciting things going on and wonderful people surrounding me. It's also because, on a daily basis, I try to seek the joyful moments from each day. I don't expect my day to be great without my 100% participation in achieving that goal. It's sort of like how I took ownership of this disease -- there was no sitting back and letting anything "happen to" me. I got up every morning and tackled treatment and killing cancer head-on. And I think that same drive -- that same passion to own my days and my daily happiness -- is now leading me through a particularly rich, meaningful, and exciting time in my life. It seems as if everything -- the book, the Foundation, the tournament, my soon-to-be-restarted career at OMM -- is bubbling over with possibilities, and I'm hungry for all of those possibilities.

Only now, after really reflecting on what I've been through over the past 10 months, and how high the odds were stacked against me, do I truly realize how miraculous my recovery has been. I've been given more time on this Earth, and I intend to make the most of it. That's what a cancer warrior does.

And even if you aren't battling cancer or any other disease for that matter, consider this: no matter who you are, you've only got one life to live. Why not go for it?

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