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Last Day of Medical Leave

Well, folks, today is my last day of medical leave. I've been away from my work and my previously-scheduled life for about ten months now, and while I've been pretty busy -- killing cancer and traveling around the country and writing my book and starting the Foundation, etc. -- I'm excited and a little anxious to get the show (and my legal career) back on the road. I will return to my O'Melveny family a stronger, wiser, healthier person, and I think it's actually going to make me a better lawyer.

But no more work talk for now -- there will be plenty of that soon enough. Today, I'm going to soak it all up with some of my favorite activities -- lunch with my high school BFF Erin, hitting up both of my gyms, working on book and Foundation stuff, and a Law & Order:SVU marathon with Will and Winston. I'm proud of what I've done and who I've become during my medical leave, and even though I beat the hell out of it, I have to credit cancer for helping me transform my life and my outlook.

Some people think a cancer diagnosis is a curse but it's not. It's a wake up call and an opportunity to live a richer, better life. And that's what I'm doing every day.

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