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Back to my Previously-Scheduled Life with a Brand New Attitude

Ten months ago, I did one of the toughest things I've had to do in my life: I sadly parted with my cases and my colleagues as I went on an extended medical leave.

While on that leave, I embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. I've lived, laughed, loved, and learned. I've had more fun in ten months than most people have in ten years. But during that time, OMM was always close to my heart, and reuniting with my colleagues never stopped being one of my greatest motivating goals. Thankfully, almost miraculously, I've achieved that goal and will be back in action on Monday morning.

I'll be returning to my office a few organs short and several pounds lighter, but with the same love for work and my work family as when I left. I was Gloria Borges when I left the firm last September, and even though I'm still good old G.B., I'm WunderGlo now, too -- a healthier, happier, more grateful person.

Tonight, as I fall asleep, I'm closing a chapter of my life. And when I wake up, I'll be starting a new one. But I'll never forget what I've had to do to earn this life of mine.

And I'll never stop being a cancer warrior.

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