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Back Home At O'Melveny

On Monday morning, with a heart full of pride and a brain just itching to be put to work, I made my glorious return to O'Melveny. But before I got there, I made sure I drank my green juice - my new morning ritual.

I was greeted by a huge sign on the 13th floor that read, "Welcome Back, WunderGlo" and walked in on a surprise celebration for me. My colleagues were all gathered around a massive breakfast spread (with vegan options for me, I'm glad to report) and applauded as I approached. I've never stopped feeling the love and support of my OMM family and this was just one of those beautiful displays of it. What a way to come back to work!!

Throughout my first day, lots of my colleagues came by to "check on me" (so cute - what did they think was going to happen to me?), called with well wishes, and sent "welcome back" emails. It became clear to me that my OMM family was just as happy to have me back as I was. And that's what I call true love. :)

Being back at OMM has been wonderful, but different. I will forever be marked by my experiences, and the way I live my daily life at the firm and everywhere else is not as it used to be. I am extremely conscious of my energy levels (which are great, as always), what food and drink I put in my body, and when I need to give myself a rest by talking with colleagues or walking outside. I am determined to be an even better lawyer this time around, but more so, a more complete and centered person.

So far, so good.

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