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Moving Forward with FOLFIRI

So far, chemo week hasn't been too rough. I got detached from my bag o' chemo this morning with no fanfare. I've been sleeping and eating pretty well. The gross, hangover-like headache I used to experience while on FOLFOX is gone. In its place, however, is a bit of an upset stomach. Not an upset stomach that results in unfortunate bathroom encounters, but more like a cramped, sour stomach feeling. Finding a comfortable position and getting to sleep last night was tough, and I popped Tums and Tylenol until my belly pain was beat into submission. Today, I felt much better -- I got up, headed to work for a bit, worked out, and now I'm taking it easy. The stomach discomfort isn't gone but it's under control. In terms of Wednesdays after chemo, this is one of the best ones I've had.

Some very, very exciting things are brewing in WunderGlo-land -- for the Foundation, my upcoming trip to NYC, and the tournament. But before I share them all with you, I'm gonna take it easy for a bit. Part of being a cancer warrior is knowing when to relax. Now is the time.

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