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What a Difference A Year Makes

This time last year, I was in a hospital room in Good Samaritan Hospital, bloated and in pain and with no idea about the fact that I had scores of cancer cells thriving and multiplying in my belly. I was in high spirits, of course, but not in good shape.

Today, I'm at the office, feeling fabulous, and about to head to New York City for the UN Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases. I'm going to be speaking to a group at Cornell Medical School on Sunday and at a youth rally on the streets of New York on Monday morning. I'm going to meet LIVESTRONG CEO Doug Ulman on Sunday, and will probably meet Lance Armstrong, too. I've gone through my first round of FOLFIRI and came out the other side feeling better than ever.

In a year's time, I went from a person not that far from death to a healthy, thriving cancer warrior with a legal career, a book in the works, a non-profit organization, and a charity event coming up around the corner. I am so grateful to everyone -- my doctors, family, friends, and all of you -- who had a hand in shaping my cancer-killing adventures and transforming them from a potentially terrifying situation to an exhilirating one.

What a difference a year makes, indeed.

I'll let you know how it goes in NYC. It's bound to be magical.

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