My New Year's Resolution

There’s no doubt about it: 2012 was a great year for me.
Yet again, I overcame the odds and thrived in the face of cancer, even when the chips were stacked against me. I endured another surgery and about two dozen rounds of chemo without missing a beat. I grew The WunderGlo Foundation and began planning for a project that will change the face of cancer research and treatment. I made new friends and strengthened relationships with old ones. I moved into my first home. I bought my parents a dog (Oliver) that has brought total joy into our lives and has been a phenomenal little brother to my dog (Winston). I traveled to New York City, Washington D.C., San Francisco, Durham, Vegas, the Bahamas, England, and Ireland. I played basketball in front of Coach K (making some pretty tough shots and making sure I played the best defense of my life considering my audience). I worked full time at O’Melveny, hit the gym almost every day, and successfully grew tomatoes in my backyard (I’ve wanted to become a vegan farmer for a while now). I cage dived with Great White Sharks, was the co-chair of my 5 year law school reunion at Stanford, and got a tattoo of the word “Wunder” on my left rib. I helped a lot of cancer warriors and their families.
My 2012 was rich and full, packed to the gills with love and fun and excitement. I did everything I set out to do in 2012.
And now, it’s time to look forward to 2013.
There’s only one thing on my mind, and it’s The Wunder Project, the official name for the endeavor Dr. Lenz and I are embarking on next year. “Wunder” means “miracle” in German, and this project, when successful, will bring a lot of miracles to a lot of people. And that is an understatement.
My New Year’s resolution is to work hard, to stay focused, to never give up, and to fight the cancer not only in my body but on a much larger scale. My resolution in 2013 is to start a movement that will change the world. My resolution is to remember the beauty of life and living amidst all the work and activity. My resolution is to keep the memory of my dear departed friend close to my heart, to think of her every day, and to dedicate the fruits of my labor with The Wunder Project to her. My resolution is to keep doing what I’m doing, but to do it all even better.
Alright, that’s more than one resolution. But I can handle them.
Now that I've got my marching orders for 2013, I’m off to get ready for my evening, which will cap off with fireworks on the Thames River in London. A huge celebration, and a fitting way to start the biggest year of my life.
Happy 2013 to all of you. Thank you for your support this year. May the upcoming year bring nothing but love, joy, gratitude, and happiness your way.

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