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Mini-magical Moments

Ever since my diagnosis, I've experienced these magical little moments that are hard to describe, but I'm gonna give it a shot and tell you about them. They don't happen too frequently, they come out of absolutely nowhere and, so far, I haven't been able to decipher a pattern as to when and why I experience them. But randomly, whether during the day or late at night, whether before surgery or during a chemo week or while I'm driving in the car of watching a movie, these moments happen.

In these moments, I am swept up in a wave of peace, happiness, and certainty. A certainty that all is well and that everything is going to work out alright for me.

As we all know, I'm consciously confident that I will win my battle with cancer. No doubt in my mind on that one. I mean, duh. But this is a different kind of assurance, a different kind of confidence -- it's not a feeling that I've brought on my conscious thought. Is it my subconscious? The cancer cells (or my non-cancerous cells) sending a quiet message to me? God?

Who knows, but I love those moments. And I just experienced one of them tonight.

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