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Happy Colon Cancer Awareness Month!!

Well, it's March 4th, and as I expected, I've been very busy with The WunderGlo Foundation and our programming for Colon Cancer Awareness Month. We've got multiple events coming up and I'm knee deep into planning for all of them -- catering, publicity, working on speeches, etc. That should already answer your question about how I'm feeling. :) Seriously though, I'm feeling great. My energy levels are through the roof (ask Will, who has to deal with me waking up like a 5 year old every day at 8am), my incision wound is well on its way to being completely healed, and I'm pretty much ready to jump back into work at the firm and at the gym. My body has been a rock for me, continuing to grow stronger and kick some serious butt despite recent surgery and two post-op rounds of chemo. It's not lost on me how blessed I am in every way, and especially physically. This body of mine is a BEAST, and the vitality that I can feel every day is something I celebrate every day.

And even though my body's strength makes me feel like I can take on anything, there's something else that makes me feel the most alive: helping people and growing The WunderGlo Foundation. The fact that I can make a positive impact on people's lives through the Foundation is the biggest shot of adrenaline, energy, and joy that I can contemplate. So even though I'm busy, it's a happy busy. It's the happiest busy.

So what's actually going on in March, you ask? 

March 15th: Dress Up In Blue Day -- an event launched by the Colon Cancer Alliance (with whom we're partnering) where we all dress up in blue to raise awareness for colon cancer. An easy and fun way to raise awareness in our communities. Remember that Duke Blue is the preferred blue for Dress Up In Blue Day. ;)

March 17th: Colon Cancer Warriors, Unite!! An awesome event at Good Samaritan Hospital during which we'll unveil our major collaboration effort. Dr. Lenz will also be speaking at the event, and I'll be introducing my "Becoming WunderGlo" powerpoint presentation which details my journey with "the cancer." We'll also have a mini-health expo at the event with vegan cuisine, exercise tips, information on acupuncture, and much more. For more information, go to  The event is free to the public. 

March 28th: Screening of Forks Over Knives. A screening of the groundbreaking documentary at Raleigh Studios in Hollywood! Q&A with Executive Producer Brian Wendel and nutrtionist Julieanna Hever will follow the screening. Reception with delicious vegan fare to follow the Q&A. The event is free to the public. Get your tickets at:

Pretty sweet line-up, right? I couldn't be more excited for all of it. Please do me a favor and spread the word. You definitely don't have to be a patient to attend any of these events. Knowledge is power, and we're going to be spreading the knowledge in a fun, accessible way this month. I'm looking forward to seeing you, my dear readers, at these events!

Oh yeah, and Chemo Round 23 starts tomorrow. BRING IT ON!

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